Tiny Whoop Boost Juice 802 19000kv Motor
Experience next-level speed and durability with the Tiny Whoop Boost Juice 802 19000Kv Motor.

Tiny Whoop Boost Juice 802 19000kv Motor
The Boost Juice 802 19000kv motor is the Tiny Whoop favorite. Its very fast for this scale, but still has a flight time of 2-4 minutes depending on your flying style. These are the perfect motors for medium-large spaces and have tons of power to enjoy outside.
Introducing Tiny Whoop Onesies!
Tiny Whoop Onesies are the latest evolution in micro brushless motors! This new design was created to maximize durability. I know it sounds pretty cheesy but this new design is truly revolutionary.
Until now nearly all micro brushless motors were made with the bell in two pieces: the top (which is made of aluminum) and the cylindrical iron sides of the bell, which were both glued and press-fit together. Because this original design was not meant for Tiny Whoop style flight, it was susceptible to pulling apart, rendering the motors largely unusable. I found this happening especially if your aircraft was "ground-pounding" or flying a racecourse that uses a slide or other touch-and-go elements. Tiny Whoop Onesies have a single piece of aluminum that encases the entire bell, and in all my extensive tests, I have never been able to separate it as nearly all of Its predecessors would have.
This is pretty much the last piece of the puzzle when it comes to the Tiny Whoop Recipe and extreme durability. For a time now we have had access to extremely durable frames, props that seldom break, the best batteries in the world, and reliable flight controllers. Extremely reliable, durable motors are the last piece of the puzzle.
PCB Solder PadsLike all of our brushless motors, these babies now feature the PCB Solder pad upgrade, which allows for custom wiring and easy repairs. To access the PCB pads (where the wires connect to the motor) just peel back the black silicone. Tiny Whoop Pioneered the 802 Motor. 802 size Motors are a big deal for 1s 65mm and 75mm Tiny Whoops. The wider, shorter form factor provides tons of prop authority, creating much more yaw control and control when you're pulling out of a dive, flip or roll. They weigh a fraction of a gram more than 603, but Its worth the extra control and power.
These motors have a 1mm shaft size, so if you're using normal Tiny Whoop props (that have a 0.8mm shaft size) you'll need a prop-adjusting Drill Bit!
These are great motors for a 75mm UWL tiny whoop build. UWL or Underground Whoop League is a new spec of tiny whoop racing. These motors meet the spec perfectly and when flying on bi blades 40mm gemfans with a Tiny Whoop 450 I can get flight times of 5 min! Or 3 min at race pace. Check these motors out!
Nightwing from Tiny Whoop